... Nothing Else Matters - Metallica (acapella) ...

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"Artificial Intelligence"
An intelligent and non-tldr statement from a level-headed-ish-scientist

Scary Pockets dance time
Ear food - and if you haven't already today... to dance in your office chair :)

... Tainted Love.... cause, when the mood strikes... you just have to dance in your office chair :)

Configured this domain for some dev work, and internal systems - put something up for parking purposes

Aubrey - The Weaving Storyteller
Thank you, Aubrey, for being an incredible human being and for sharing your light with the world.

How to Photograph an Orchid
Syndicated Nat Geo article - a worthy body of work, and worth a read if we consider ourselves photographers

A Journey Through Time: Visiting the Pharaoh Exhibition at NGV
Discover the timeless beauty of ancient Egypt at the NGV’s “Pharaoh: King of Egypt” exhibition. Image gallery here contained with some stunning images capturing some of the must-see-in-person, extraordinary presence.

Exhibition of Michael J Wright's Artwork at the Sydney Swedenborg Center
An evening of art and admiration at the Swedenborg Center, showcasing Michael J Wright's unique artwork on his birthday.

Butterfly colours are not pigments - they are nano structures reflecting specific wavelengths
New research uncovers more detail about the formation of the structures during butterflication process

Embarking on a Microscopic Adventure: Building DIC for My Olympus BH2
Differential Interference Contrast is a microscopy technique that yields the highest detail at 1000x or the limit of light microscopy and lens technology resolution - based on the physics of light and lens glass, not further detail is possible with light microscopy

Behold in Geb, Osiris has come forth.
Extraordinary timelapse, thanks to Boxlapse channel on Youtube

Some Observation - no theories, just pure discoveries
Photo System II chemistry, Prometheum, element 61, chemical combination, an activated black hole, A Interesting Supernova, all amazing

Film004 - Freshly developed
A Gecko-like Lizard, Lake Maqcuarie and a Little Church with Roses

Sand grains from Brighton-Le-Sands
Sand grains under the microscope - Olympus BH-2 - various diameters

Ferns, Ants, and Nectar
Nature article title: Convergent evolution of fern nectaries facilitated independent recruitment of ant-bodyguards from flowering plants

Michael J Wright - To Infinity and Beyond
Michael was an Outside Artist living in Sydney, Aus, he recently ascended

New discovery
Noteable scientific discovery. Why moths and other insects get so confused around lights.. hitherto undiscovered

CsoSCA, Carboxysomal Carbonic Anhydrase
Noteable scientific discovery. Blue green algae component isolated which will enable more effective carbon capture for the planet

Microscopy on film #2
Finally, many plans are coming together. Flexicolour RA Process underway, Olympus BH2 Microscope, and a bunch of film cameras.

Robust Research - Mars
New Discovery - how amazing to realise how little we know about our own solar system, let alone the universe.

Some images from the campsite at Lake Maquarie where I spent a few days - link to camp ground.

the Friend, is someone who does something for you which you were not able to do yourself, you could not have comprehended, let alone deigned to ask, for such a blessing to be bestowed upon you. This is why it is not talked about much - it is too precious.

Microscopy and Film Developement
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower

Procreation | Swedenborg
noun of action comes from the past-participle stem of procreare which means to bring forth