Procreation | Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg and The Divine Wisdom on the Procreation of the Angelic Mind
Etymology: Procreation
Procreation (n.)
Originating in the late 14th century, the term "procreacioun" referred to the "process of begetting offspring, generation and production of young." This term was derived from Old French "procreacion" (14th century, Modern French "prócreation") and directly from Latin "procreationem" (nominative "procreatio") which means "a begetting, generation."
This noun of action comes from the past-participle stem of "procreare" which means to "bring forth" (offspring), "beget, generate, produce." The term "procreare" itself is derived from "pro" meaning "forth" and "creare" meaning "create" (from PIE root ker- (2) "to grow").
The spelling with -t- in English begins in the mid-15th century. The term has also been in use since the late 14th century.
Swedenborg briefly..
Emanuel Swedenborg (born Emanuel Swedberg; January 29, 1688 – March 29, 1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. He is best known for his book on the afterlife, "Heaven and Hell" (1758).
Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. At the age of 53, he entered into a spiritual phase in which he began to experience dreams and visions. This spiritual awakening led him to receive much new revelation which he spent the remainder of his life, 30 odd years, writing down.
He wrote voluminously on the inner content of the Scriptures and the detailed and nature of spiritual realities. After his death, devoted followers created Swedenborgian societies dedicated to the study and preservation of his manuscripts. He wrote in Latin, because he liked it.
The important part...
One of his apparently diminutive works is "The Divine Wisdom". In this work, Swedenborg discusses, amongst other things, the procreation of the angelic mind. Here is an excerpt from the book, specifically from section Number 111, Chapter VII Paragraph 3:
"Nor, except in man, can the angelic mind be procreated, and, by means of procreations, be multiplied. Anyone acquainted with the nature of substances in the spiritual world, and, in comparison, the nature of material substances in the natural world, can easily see that there does not take place, nor could there take place, any procreation of angelic minds except in, and from out of, those who dwell in the ultimate (or "outermost") work of creation, the earth. As, however, the nature of substances in the spiritual world as compared with material substances in the natural world is not known, it shall now be told.
Substances in the spiritual world have all the appearance of being material: they are not material, however, and, not being material, they do not stay constant; they are correspondents of the affections of angels, continuing as long as the affections, or the angels, are present, and disappearing when they cease to be present. The same would be the case with angels if they were to be created in that world. But in addition to this, there does not take place with angels, nor could there take place with them, any other procreating and resultant multiplying than a spiritual one, and this is a procreating and multiplying of love and wisdom, such as takes place also in the souls of men who are being born anew or regenerated. In the natural world, on the other hand, there are material substances by means of which, and out of which, procreations, and afterwards the forming of them, are possible; thus, there can be a multiplying of human beings, and thereby of angels."
For more detailed information, you may refer to his biographies and works. A good source of modern translations is the site linked here (beware of the Booksellers!). is a reasonable source of older, and somewhat more accurate translations. Ebay and old book sites are a good place to find older printed copies of his works.
This passage is an excerpt from "The Divine Wisdom" by Emanuel Swedenborg. For more insights and detailed discussions, please refer to the original work.